Imagine my surprise to find this in my mailbox after auditions this past Saturday. It was just in there... no package, no envelope, no postage, and no address... only also in my mail was a Christmas card from my sister's step mother... also with no address and postage.
Apparently, Ms. Lee had been in Dallas and stopped by my house and left this in my mailbox.
It's a postcard book with postcards that I can color and decorate and best of all, be creative and add onto what ever prompt is on each postcard.

Here's an example of what they look like. This one says 'I want to tell you something.' and has a crude drawing of a gorilla. I like crude drawings, by the way. They don't have to all be perfect and sometimes crudeness has a style of it's own... kindof raw.

So, last night I drew and colored my first postcard! All that was on it before it was the dinosaur. I added everything else and just sent it off to Ms. Lee for her thank you note. Thank You, Lee! I love it!
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