Vietnamese food!
Mike and I have probably eaten Vietnamese food at least 2 times per week this summer... and with a summer like this, you need some light, fresh, goodness like Vietnamese food to soothe the heat anguished soul. **
We went to a new place about a month ago and re-visited it right before school started. It's in Addison, which is not too close for me to just hop in for lunch, a lunch date with Mikey is a must if I'm going to enjoy this kind of goodness.
It's called Pho Que Huong.
This is the entry way. It's in a strip mall on Inwood and Belt Line.
Inside the restaurant.
Here's me.
... and Mikey.
We ordered and our food came out quickly. One thing to know about Vietnamese restaurants and their culture... Order everything up front and don't be alarmed if you don't get much service after the meal is served. The servers will deposit the check after your food is served, and you are supposed to pay at your leisure when you are done, usually at the counter. They think it is rude to harass the customers while they are eating.
Our apps arrive... pork meat balls and spring rolls with dipping sauce. The meat balls were OK, the spring rolls, heavenly! The traditional way to eat the spring roll is to roll it in the lettuce with the carrots and cucumber and pour a touch of the dipping sauce (a mix of carrot, chili, and a sweet rice wine vinegar with fish sauce) on it, roll it up like a taco and eat! YUM!!! (seriously)
We also ordered a Bhan Mhi sand which, which is a vietmnese sand which on a french roll with the cucumber carrot thing, cilantro, jalapenos, and grilled chicken. Truly amazing!
My spring roll in all her goodness!
So, if you can... go eat some Vietnamese food! It will change your life! (maybe not... but who knows...)
** Unless you've been living in a box, or not anywhere near North Texas, or Texas for that matter, You know that it's been brutally hot this summer! We are officially at #2 status of hot summers... with 60 days so far of +100 degree heat, and it's not letting up anytime soon. Today's high was 107! 107, Y'all! It's the end of August and 107 seems normal now! Really???? I don't know if I can take it anymore! UGH!
We normally get 16 days of +100 degree heat. Just sayin!
DOOOooooooouuuuuude! I want to get a Vietnamese food obsession, too!! Oh, please.
ReplyDeleteoh, I cold eat it every day!
ReplyDelete... could not cold.